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Limavady Central Primary School, Limavady
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27th Mar 2023
On Tuesday 21st March we had a very special visitor, when we welcomed the Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Mr Ivor Wallace to our school. Mayor Wallace was welcomed by Mr Robinson and representatives from each year group before heading into assembly for a special “Question Time with the Mayor,” when he took time to answer questions from our P4-7 pupils about what it’s like to be mayor of the borough! Our school council also had a special sit down chat with him, discussing and comparing council life in school with that as a mayor aswell as sharing some of what they have been doing as a school council. Finally, Mayor Wallace visited some of our P1 and P2 classes, where the boys and girls had lots of fun learning about his very heavy , very special ”big gold necklace!!!” It was a super visit and we are very grateful to Mr Wallace for taking time out of his busy schedule to visit Limavady Central and for making it so informative and fun for our boys and girls!