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Limavady Central Primary School, Limavady
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Snowy Lands Fun in Primary 1 ❄️

23rd Jan 2024

Primary 1 have been exploring our new topic 'Snowy Lands' during Learning through Play. They have been having lots of fun dressing up as explorers and heading off to the Arctic to see if they can catch a glimpse of the animals who live there. They've even been writing in their Explorer diaries to record the animals they've found.

We've been having fun creating lots of cool snowy arts and crafts. As you can see, we've been modelling with sparkly snow dough to create little snowmen, creating fold and cut snow flakes and drawing round our feet to make footprint penguins to dance on a snowy background. 

We've been creating small world habitats with white Duplo blocks and building hideouts in our Big Block area - working as a team to create large models together.

We've had lots of fun playing with polar animals in the water tray. We changed water into ice by freezing it, then explored the ice cubes and found out that the ice melted into water.

Click through the photos to see what we've been learning - it's 'snow' much fun in Primary 1!