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Limavady Central Primary School, Limavady
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Science week in Primary 2

29th Mar 2023

As part of science week, Primary 2 took part in a number of experiments and engineering challenges.

Our week kicked off with ‘Caterpillar Camouflage’. We studied insects in their habitats and how they adapted to their habitats to help them survive. We learnt why camouflage is so important to creatures like caterpillars and how it works in their chosen habitat. A number of different coloured ‘caterpillars’ were spread around our nature garden and we played the part of the predators. We clearly saw how bright colours would be the most easily seen caterpillars and the dull, dark colours were well hidden.

Day 2 saw us taking part in the challenge ‘Wet Wellies’. Here, we were in charge of testing the best materials to make welly boots. We discussed the idea of ‘waterproof’ and ‘not waterproof’, we made predictions about which materials would make the best wellies and learnt about what it meant to have a ‘fair test’.

On Friday we had a go at engineering, we designed and created bridges in groups. We were all given the exact same materials but the final products couldn’t be more different. We then tested our bridges using various weights. Our best bridges were able to hold 1.5kg weights without collapsing!

Here’s a little peek at everything we got up to!