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Limavady Central Primary School, Limavady
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Food investigations in Primary One

18th Oct 2018

Primary One have been very busy this week doing some science investigations. As we've been playing in the Bakery we thought it would be interesting to have a go at making real bread and honey cakes.

For the bread we mixed flour,yeast and salt with warm water to make dough. It was great fun kneading the dough, although it was a bit sticky! We had to leave the dough to rise before we put our bread rolls into the oven. Our bread tasted delicious, especially with a little bit of butter!

For the honey cakes, we mixed flour, sugar, eggs, butter and of course a spoonful of delicious runny honey.  The raw mixture was a creamy colour, but after the buns were cooked in the oven, they were a lovely golden brown colour.  So tasty!

We decided to find out how to make butter and have a go at making some in our classes. We poured some cream into a plastic jar and added a marble. After putting the lid on very tight, we all had a go at shaking the jar as hard and fast as we could. Our arms were so tired! When we opened the jar we saw that the cream had changed into creamy butter and some watery buttermilk. We ate our butter spread on crackers and decided it was the best butter we ever tasted!