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Limavady Central Primary School, Limavady
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Creating our own websites!

19th Mar 2024
In the past few weeks, P7G have been working very hard with Mr Irwin to create their own websites in pairs. Pupils started out by exploring a range of different websites on the internet to identify key features and understand what makes a good website. We also considered the importance of ensuring that our website had a purpose, whether as an information source, a place to sell products or to raise awareness of a particular topic. This informed their own websites, the webpages of which they brainstormed and designed on paper in class before returning to the ICT suite to bring them to life!

Pupils discussed the importance of making their website 'user friendly' with easy to read titles and clear instructions for the user about how to navigate the website for example. As well as this, pupils took care to add appropriate images and links to make it more appealing. Pupils then continued to add content to their pages, previewing as they went along to ensure that the final product would look good on different types of devices (e.g tablet, phone or laptop). The last step was editing to tidy up any spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes to make it look more professional. After this, they were ready to be published! Pupils enjoyed exploring other peoples websites and learned a lot from the range of topics that included a website selling art, a website about how to care for your horse and even a website about all the different types of pasta!